On second thought... 06/12/2020

John and I often talk and wonder what the hell are we going to write about, now that everything is reduced to Covid-19. But here’s the thing. Stuff just keeps happening, and since it’s different stuff than we’re used to, it often makes its way into comics. A little while ago, we did a comic about what happens at the checkout line when you have to take your gloves off to get your phone to work. The big trouble with latex gloves is trying to put them back on. I was thinking of this when last week, I found an extra latex glove in my car turned inside out. I mushed the fingers back in the right way and blew it up like a balloon. Just like the clowns do at birthday parties to make the kids laugh. When I got upstairs I brought the glove up with me and proudly blew it up for my wife. I said, “Look, I figured out a fool-proof way to get the gloves to stop turning inside out.” And I blew them up. John had the exact same reaction as Joanie when I told him the story. They both responded by saying some form of “You put your mouth around that thing??!!” SInce this is a family-oriented site, I can’t repeat exactly what they said, but trust me, it was similar. John and I worked hard on crafting the language until we came up with “covid-covered latex surface,” and then John threw in the bit about saving 49 cents. Not 50 mind you, 49. And voila, we had our first comic. I mean, is it really that bad to blow the thing up? On second thought…

The next comic standing is about another idea that seemed good at the time. The logic was impeccable. If you grow your own veggies and herbs, you can not only pick your own salad at night, you can save extra trips to the supermarket. Except when you get to the nursery you find it is packed with people having the exact same idea. It’s packed more tightly than the rows of tomato plants. It’s packed more…you get the idea. In order to avoid one crowd at the grocery store, you are faced with an even bigger crowd at the nursery. It seemed like a good idea at the time. But on second thought…

Have a great weekend, stay safe and we will see you next Friday with two new ones hot off our computers.

Andy and John