Dinner guests from hell 10/25/19

Welcome back, dear readers. You know those people that you haven’t seen in 20 years, then you hook up with them once again, and then you remember why it’s been 20 years since you’ve last spoken? This week we wanted to take you to a dinner with one of those couples. The dinner may seem endless but it’s not the service that makes it long, it’s that YOU want to get the hell out. This particular dinner lasts so long, it takes up both of this week’s comics.

Which brings us around to plastic surgery. As we all know, some face jobs are better than others. Some, let’s face it, really suck. There’s the absolutely “no lines anywhere” look, the “impossibly thick lips” look, the ”more impossibly large boobs” look, and the “subtle but nice” look. That last one makes for a good face lift, but not for a good comic. One time Andy came into a meeting at work, sweating through his blue work shirt, and a woman at the meeting - who was all about plastic surgery - told him, “you know, if you get botox injections under your arms, it can keep you from sweating.” Note: Andy still sweats.

The meal from hell doesn’t end there, though. This couple is one of those notorious “kid braggers.” “My oldest is taking over (your choice): Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Wall St., while our little angel has taken London by storm as a celebrity chef, and is planning a string of start-ups in Beijing.” We’ve all sat through insufferable meals like this, and when you get past a certain age, you (hopefully) curb the urge to say, “why don’t you just shut the ‘f’ up?” Well, we figured out a way to shut them the “f” up, by concentrating on what is really important.

That’s it for now. Have a wonderful weekend and we hope you don’t wind up at dinner with one of those guys. If so, take our advice and call it a night and have coffee and dessert at home. Unless you want to hear about our kids.

Andy and John